A very tiny excerpt from the colorful true story Bobby shared with me about the origin of his plate:
“Barney looked our direction and said, ‘Don’t fail me now….Scratch Gravel Red Wind!’ and he tromped on the accelerator as if it were a new turbo charged Ferrari going to shoot out of the parking lot, and along he goes, the truck more limping along than moving along out the parking lot. We all laughed hysterically over the phrase. I could not get that out of my mind all that week and up until I saw Barney the next time. Everyone there started calling him and the truck, ‘Redwind’…..I asked him where the heck he came up with that expression. He muttered something like it was a phrase and line from an old movie from years ago. Right then I knew because I too had a red truck, that the next time I needed plates there was no doubt what it would be.”